My friends Cliff & Lori Lewis and I still ironing the exact details as to day, time, place. But the big plan is for me to play the first of what we’re actually talking about making an annual event. Given my preternatural love of puns, at least for now, I’m calling the eventĀ Bob Bennett: A Very Maui Christmas! As I write this in early October, I’ve already ordered a really cool Christmas-themed Hawaiian shirt that I hope will work out. Flights are booked. Lord willing, I’m going! But we’re just not long on specifics at this moment. Of course, I will update when I know more. But if you, or someone you know, lives there and might be interest, please give them the heads-up.
[I’m flying in on Thursday, the 8th and then back to the Mainland on Monday, the 12th. So this first-listed date is simply to satisfy the WordPress template. The actual concert date will likely be December 9th, 10th, or 11th. Again, check back for details as they come together.]