I’ve known Pastor Jack and Debbie Abeelen for almost the whole of my adult life. I first met them at Calvary Chapel Downey around 1977 or so. If I kept better records, I could tell you how many times I’ve been privileged to work with Pastor Jack and sing for the Body as Morningstar. I don’t have those stats, but it’s lots! At the invitation of my friend Associate Pastor Gerard Deleeuw, I’ll be singing at all three Services on Christmas Morning. At this writing (10/12/16 … the day we exchanged emails to schedule the date), I’m not sure whether I’m doing a sort of mini-set from Christmastide or, perhaps, just a song or two. Either way, it’ll be a great way to celebrate Christmas. Visiting my friends here is very much a kind of homecoming thing for me. If you’re not otherwise obligated, please join us. Wherever you are … Merry Christmas!