After a couple years of Covidtide and a corresponding season of relative concert inactivity, I’m very much hoping this Easter Sunday Morning will be the first in a long line of consistent dates on my schedule this year. I’ve immensely enjoyed (and, as long as there’s interest, will continue) my weekly Facebook Live sessions. (Episode Number 103 is coming up as I post this listing.) But I’d certainly be gratified to add “live concerts” back onto my menu of what I can offer. Pastor Dustin Parker has warmly welcomed me several times in the past and I’m happy to be returning this Easter Sunday. As with prior visits, I’ll be sitting in with the Worship Team. After speaking with Pastor Dustin about an Order-of-Service, the plan is for me to sing “Man of the Tombs” right before the Homily. Then there will be one or two songs at Communion (my song “The Communion Rail” and the classic Barry McGuire “Communion Song”). Then at the end, I’ll sing “(I Know That) My Redeemer Lives”. If you’re not otherwise committed to a place of worship that morning, please consider joining us … and be sure to seek me out to say “hello”. “HE IS RISEN … HE IS RISEN INEED!”