Every once in awhile, I tidy up my home office. Then I plant myself in front my now-long-in-the-tooth 2012 iMac. I plug in a “ring light”, fire up my condenser mic, grab my Ryan Cathedral guitar … and take to Facebook Live. I always “officially” schedule these things for a half-hour. But I always have so much fun, that it goes on longer, sometimes up to ninety minutes. The trick, of course, is to sing to a small green light at the top of the computer display and keep my mind on the music … while I’m also occasionally looking at the stream of comments/questions/request scrolling in real-time as we go. Can’t join me in real-time? Not to worry. Unless something goes very wrong, the whole shebang will remain on Facebook … and I post an archive copy to YouTube as well. Shortly after I upload to YouTube, I make a “road map” of the the entire set so folks can scroll back and forth to what interests them if aren’t able to commit to watching a full set. So, click over and join the hearty, enthusiastic band of folks who always seem to turn up. We’ll be happy to have along!