Last year, Pierce Pettis sang here. Pierce is a long-distance friend and one of my very favorite songwriters ever. So, in that sense, I’ve got really talented shows to fill with my own scheduled set at the end of October. This will be Outdoors, so be sure to bring your own blankets/lawn chairs and whatever other accoutrements you might need. (If the weather brings wind or rain or similar challenges to an outdoor concerts, thenĀ  we’ll head indoors into the Fellowship Hall.) The official time frame is from 3pm to 5pm. So, you’re on your own for the after-show dinner, but I’m told there will be beverages and snacks. Oh, how you know I loveĀ the snacks! After that part of the gathering concludes, I’ll be ready to meet-and-greet and likely be hanging around the CD Table. Then … we’ve planned a kind of postscript gathering for those interested in some of the stories behind the songs, songwriting, artistry in the orbit of the Church, whatever topics might be of interest. If you will, a “hang time” with me as your host and moderator. Feel free to stick around and let’s see what we can talk about … maybe some extra songs as well. My sincere thanks to Pastor Mark Baumgartner for the kind invitation. Come join us …