Ron Strand and my friends at The Upper Room host a New Year’s gathering every other year … and I was part of the 2016 evening. I’m updating this listing on the road (a couple days before Thanksgiving) on my long-in-the-tooth iPad, so pardon the “just the facts” emphasis. In addition to Robert G. Lee, Two or More, Chris Lizotte, and Your Humble Acoustic Servant, vocalist Felton Palad will be joining us. I heard him sing at Oden Fong’s recent UR concert. He’s wonderful!

Since my original listing (just to get the evening on people’s radar), I’ve found out that this will be a ticketed event at $55.00 per person. In addition to all of the goings-on onstage, the evening will start with a full dinner, drinks, and dessert. So, make your reservations now and join us for a one-of-a-kind celebration to ring-in the New Year with food, music, comedy, and fellowship with the Brethren (and Sisteren)!

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Stage-Video Comedian/Screenwriter/TV Audience Warm-Up Comic:

Our Evening’s Host Robert G. Lee


“An Ecuadorian-American Band”

Renatto, Walter, and Eddie Aguas: Two or More


He’s done it all … and we’re fortunate he’s going to do some of “it” for us this night!

Singer-Songwriter Chris Lizotte