My friends Thom Helmick and Pastor Paul Christman have invited me to be a part of the early Christmas Eve Service this year at Calvary Chapel High Country. It’s a couple hours driving each way, but I’m happy to be joining the Congregation there on this blessed night. The 6:00 p.m. Service will likely be about an hour-long so folks can get home to their families. As it sits right now (subject to slight revisions as I’m listing this on 11/8), there will be a few carols from the Youth Group to start, then a time of sharing Communion together, followed by four songs from me to round out the evening. If you’re in this quadrant of the Inland Empire and can join us, come celebrate! (Please note that Highway 371 is also known as Cahuilla Road, so signs may reflect that as you’re driving there. Also, the email listed is for Thom as the Church email address isn’t working at this time.)