A very nice person emails me, has been listening to my music since childhood because Dad kept up with my music for decades. So, the kids couldn’t help but listen as well. The idea is pitched. “Will you fly to Indiana to sing for my Dad as a surprise?” Well, of course I will! Folks, House Concerts are so much fun for me to do. Unless you live in a studio apartment and invite thirty people over, you can probably host one at your house (or a friendly neighbor’s place). Email me using the Contact Form or the equally handy Booking Form. Either one is fine and don’t worry about specifics. We can solve all of those things. Just let me know of your interest and I’ll send along some information about how it works. Eventually, if interested, we’ll schedule an old-fashioned, better-than-email conversation and we’ll be off to the races. We can do this. I’d love to come visit and sing for you and your family/friends.