I’m happy to be returning again to Holy Trinity with my friend Bp. Todd Hunter. Preceding the Service there is a fifteen-minute Coffee and Community time on the patio, while inside Needham Chapel I’ll be playing some instrumental music for the Quiet Prelude. Then I’ll be assisting with music throughout the morning’s worship. My longtime attendance at All Saints Church and now, for many years, my beloved St. Matthew’s Church has given me a great love and appreciation for the Liturgy. Although I’m used to a more formal traditional approach, I also very much resonate with Holy Trinity’s thoughtful integration of both ancient and more contemporary elements. It’s a very welcoming place. One of the blessings of my life in music is to feel a comfort and kinship with all kinds of Churches and “styles” and, thus, it’s my honor to serve the Faith Community at Holy Trinity. (Please note I’ll also be returning in two weeks for the Sunday AM Service on July 16, 2017.)