I’ll be leading two hour-long workshops as part of the Christian Musician Summit Northwest Conference. Please note that access to these events is part of the Paid Conference. Despite the listing of the single Friday date to the left, the first workshop happens on Friday, the second is the next day. Here are some links and info for a more detailed picture.

Songwriter Bootcamp Overall Schedule

My Workshop Clinician Page

I’ve been singing and writing songs for fifty years. (Yes, I’m that old.) I maintain that even if your main focus is “worship music”, there’s lots to be learned and utilized in crafting interesting song-stories to engage listeners spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally. I’ll briefly make my case and then we’ll listen to some selected recordings to illustrate the power in this style of songwriting. One of the very best ways to learn great songwriting is to listen to it. I hope to encourage you and cheer you on to think faithfully and creatively beyond the notion that “if it’s not worship, then it’s not relevant to me or the Church

Sometimes the best way to learn is to ask and discuss. I’ll sing and analyze a couple of my own songs to start. Then you set the agenda with your questions. Topics can range from ‘musicians in the ministry’, ‘songwriting strategies’, ‘playing nice with others’, etc. If you’re thinking ‘Man, who does this guy think he is?’, you can find out on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Wikipedia, and my website: www.bobbennett.com. Would love to meet you. Come join the conversation.

On Friday evening, I’ll be taking part in a Songwriters in the Round presentation.

Finally, a couple months ago I did a brief Promo Video for CMSNW.