Thanks for clicking over here. It’s likely that you may have seen this web address because:

— You caught a livestream concert (most often on Facebook and YouTube) or viewed an archived version.

— You asked for a way to send a donation. (Sorry, not tax-deductible.)

— I referred you here to pay for a specialty item not listed in my regular website store or a similar thing.

Here are several ways you can add funds to my “Digital Tip Jar”.
When you make your choice, most of these allow you to add a note.
If so, it would be most helpful if you briefly let me know what prompted your contribution.
(Example: Facebook Live, 4/2/22 … )
Then I’ll know how to categorize your contribution for my own bookkeeping.

Again, my sincere thanks for your interest in me and my music.
And for supporting me in this way so I can carry on.

UPDATE (as of Friday, March 8, 2024):

I’m now close to completing four years of weekly livestreaming.
I still dearly love doing this and I’m grateful for your interest.
I’ll keep doing this as long as folks join in real time or watch replays.
Although I’m now associated with The Upper Room Presents, my
situation remains exactly the same … there is (and has never been)
any salary involved and I don’t have any paying sponsors on board.

Literally, my “sponsors” week-to-week are the folks who drop by here.
This is my only source of income related to these weekly livestreams.
I clarify that not to manipulate anyone (not how I roll), but to simply
let you know the basis on which I do this.

I know everyone is facing challenges we have never seen in our lifetimes.
Please know that whatever amount you throw into the Tip Jar, my Wife
and I are so very appreciative of your generosity during these times.

(If some are returning here, special thanks to you for your past
support. I read every note included with these gifts and I so much
appreciate everyone who is helping me out in this way.)

This list of “pay options” is not meant to intimidate.

Hopefully, you’ll simply find something that you’d be
comfortable using. No particular preference from my end,
I just wanted to make it as “no hassle” as possible.

You can use this web page:
Or use the PayPal smartphone app.
My PayPal ID is:

Use the Venmo smartphone app.
My Venmo ID is: Bob-Bennett-Music.
(If you leave me a note on Venmo, I will
reply via the Venmo website/app. The interface
is similar to a chat. It’s kind of cool.)

APPLE PAY (aka Apple Cash)
Use the Apple Wallet on your IOS Device
My Apple Pay ID is:

CASH APP (formerly Square Cash):
Use the CashApp smartphone app.
My CashApp ID is: $bobbennettmusic
… or …
Website –$bobbennettmusic

Access via your bank.
My Zelle ID is:

Payable to Bob Bennett.
Mail to:
Bob Bennett
PO Box 11866
Costa Mesa, CA 92627-0866

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… or …
Use the handy Contact Form