Keith Green (1953-1982)
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
I’ve had these newspaper clippings in my files for many years. At the time of Keith Green’s passing (38 years ago today as of this writing), a family friend lived in Tyler, TX and shared these contemporaneous press clippings from the local paper. A few years ago, I made contact with someone working for Melody Green and, with permission, sent these to her. Even though they would always be nothing-but-painful to review, still my hope was that they might be of interest someday, especially to her now-grown children, grandchildren, and beyond.
I really didn’t know Keith. I think I had a quick handshake meeting with him once. And, if dim memory serves (and I fully grant that it may not), I think I might’ve sung a couple songs before a concert he gave at Calvary Chapel of Downey. (This was way back, very early on, when the church met in a small converted former tire store on Firestone Blvd). Of course, anyone who was listening to Christian Music (aka Jesus Music/CCM) at all in those formative days knew of Keith and his music. Most likely subscribed to the Last Days Newsletter and followed his albums, concerts, and writing with keen interest. And we were so shocked and saddened to hear of such a tragic loss. Of course his music still blesses and challenges all who hear it. And for those whose hope that Jesus will certainly finish what He has started in us, look forward to that fine eternal day when we get the chance to greet and thank Keith in person … and to thank Jesus in Person for such a faithful servant as Keith Green.
“Grant unto them eternal rest, O Lord. May the light perpetual shine upon them and may their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.”
Bob Bennett
Costa Mesa, CA
(The dates range from the next-morning headline on 7/29/82 to the Memorial Service on 8/1/82.)
The continuation of these two adjacent articles are found below, linking to GREEN and CRASH respectively.